FOPP Membership Form

The mission of Friends of Plaza Pool (FOPP) is to promote the maintenance, improvement, utilization and appreciation of Plaza Pool for the health, safety and recreational benefit of the citizens of Alpena County and the surrounding area.

Name: __________________________________________________________________

Address: ________________________________________________________________

Phone: __________________________     Email________________________________

Text: ____________________________

As a member of FOPP, I would like to: (Please check any you are interested in.)

___ Assist with Marketing/Communications

___ Assist with Fundraising (ex. Raffles, Concert 50/50, euchre, donating food, etc.)

___ Assist with the Annual Membership Meeting/ Summer Potluck

___ Assist with pool educational activities (snorkeling class, adult swim lessons, coached workout, community education, etc.)

___ Assist with our ongoing FOPP Membership Drive

____Write grants

____Visit/educate community service organizations to share the purpose of Friends of Plaza Pool

Yearly Membership:     $15.00 Individual____      $30.00 Family___

Checks payable to: Friends of Plaza Pool                                   Drop off: Alpena Plaza Pool

Print and mail to: Carolyn Szatkowski, 1670 Long Rapids Road, Alpena, MI 49707 OR Drop off at the Plaza Pool

Scan with your phone to go to PayPal.

Supporting the Alpena County Plaza Pool